This web application was developed in response to the specific requirements of a charitable organization. The project aimed to fulfil the organization's objectives, which included:
This website features a static web app created with React and Mantine UI. It provides various sections with information about the charity. Additionally, there is a contact form that users can fill out, and the contents of this form are sent to the charity via email.
The application has been deployed on AWS, and the architecture is illustrated in the diagram below. The frontend application is stored in an Amazon S3 bucket and is served to users through Amazon CloudFront.
The website includes a contact form that users can utilize. The data from the contact form is sent to an API Gateway, which then directs it to a Lambda function. The Lambda function leverages Amazon Simple Email Service to forward the contents of the contact form to the charity's administrators.
The AWS infrastructure was provisioned using Terraform as an 'infrastructure as code' tool.